Zysis Coloring / Painting Contest
Contest Entries CLOSED
Due to international hickups with shipping, Entries are being extended until the end of December to allow all to enter.
Entries are due in Dec 31th by Midnight MST and are emailed to KhrysalisStudios@gmail.com
Participants may enter:
a painted Zysis medallion
a colored lineart (digital or traditionally colored).
Feel free to make alterations to the medallion or line art to make it more creative!
You may submit more than one design but you can only win once this contest
General - Open to the general public
1st Place - A Zysis Medallion Box complete with medallion and goodies!(Apx Value $50usd)
2nd Place - $25usd Khrysalis Studios Gift Certificate
3rd Place - A fun Sticker Pack!
Medallion Club Members - Must be a current member of the medallion club to enter
1st Place - A Zysis Medallion Box complete with medallion and goodies!(Apx Value $50usd) and a $50usd Khrysalis Studios Gift Certificate
2nd Place - $25usd Khrysalis Studios Gift Certificate
3rd Place - Fun Studio Swag!
Note that more prizes and a possible kids category will be added if entries warrant it! Eg. Medallions may be split out from flat art entries or digital from traditionally colored might be split. This is at the contest holder's sole digression.
Winners will be announced by January 15th 2024
Download the PDF of the lineart below