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Nov Dec Banner Club Peek.png

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Copy of Copy of Feel Good Friday Template (2).png

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Peek 2 Nov dDc 24.png

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Peek 3 Nov dDc 24.png

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Peek 4 NovDec 24.png


Peek 4 NovDec 24 (1).png

Tender Moments&Timeless Bonds

"Frozen in time.... a tender moment between a mother and her daughter. The soft nickers and gentle nuzzles speak more than words could about their bond."


These quiet moments are the essence of their connection. The mother’s weariness is met with the watchful serenity of her daughter, a silent exchange of devotion that requires no words. This sculpture captures the timeless interplay of strength and tenderness, a reminder of the enduring legacy that flows between generations.​


There is something so special about moments spent with those we love. Just being there with them, while the sands of time etch wrinkles into their faces and soften their eyes. Time is a funny thing, captured in those glimpses and stored in out hearts as feelings, smells, sounds and songs. They are carried with us somewhere deep and pop up to bring us right back there in an instant. 


I hope this special sculpture touches your heart the way it did mine. Those bonds are timeless and strong. May we always remember to cherish those soft moments.

In the medallion club and want to add more of these to your herd? Just send along an email! 

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